Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hmm still trying to get a web link
2nd try:


  1. I checked out Andrew Junge’s website because I wanted to see if there was more information about this piece. In his statement, he talks about the history and evolution of the Humvee/Hummer as well as the purpose and functions of Styrofoam. It’s really interesting because I had no idea that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the first consumer who requested the Hummer for personal rather than military use. His discussion on Styrofoam also made me appreciate the things we have today that we sort of take for granted, such as Styrofoam cups.

    The piece itself is incredibly detailed! I was blown away by how much dedication he put into making the Hummer physically and dimensionally the same as a real Hummer –and it only took three months to make! It just goes to show that connecting with others and having affiliations with art groups and places that can supply you with materials goes a long way if one wants to get a complicated art piece done.

    Junge also stated that the piece weighs between 400-700 pounds. He should put it in a swimming pool or in a lake to see if it floats. If it can float on its own, he should then sit on it and see how much extra weight it could take.

  2. Wow Leslie an excellent post! Yes the Hummer is really interesting I also like his piece with his van..which I believe was a part of his masters thesis. Keep blogging!
