Monday, October 5, 2009

a great read! concerning your future

Guys this is not class related but I feel a worthwhile read concerning the situation that is arising at the University.
click on required reading...its on the right, and it gets interesting a few paragraphs down.


  1. oh yeah about the image it's The Tower of Bable..kinda cool found it online, I thought it fit.

  2. What a great speech. I wish I could live the days in the 60's when they said that if you are good you deserve free or almost free education. This quote is tell a lot: "For the past two decades we have been starving higher education. California’s public higher education has half as much to spend today as it did in 1990 in real dollars. In the 1980s, 17 percent of the State budget went to higher education and 3 percent went to prisons. Today, only 7 percent is going to universities and 9-10 percent is going to prisons." I am not surprised the prison guards union is the one of the strongest in the state and one of the most feared. They want the prison population to increase, that is where the money is for them. So between three strike law and marihuana being criminal offense their coffers will be full for a long time to come. What a sad sad situation .........

  3. Thanks Kirk. Now rather than focus on a small group of villains I can be disappointed with the whole world. I realize it's not just the salaries of the executives around here, but that is something local I can focus on.

  4. Very nice speech. I agree with Zsuzsanna, it would've been nice to live during the 60s and receive free or almost free education in California. I realize that the state government isn't solely to blame for the budget mishaps, but it's still frustrating and depressing.

    Like the tower Kirk, nice choice. :)

  5. It sounds like from what people are saying the situation sounds pretty hopeless. I don't really understand what's going on but it seems like something could be done.

  6. I tried to read the "great read" but could'nt get to it.
