Thursday, November 12, 2009

Online Survey: Part II (Debriefing)

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who completed my survey!!!! I really, really, really appreciate it!!! I don't know who filled out the survey, but I did receive comments and a couple of those comments were things only art people would say -thanks for the laughs.

Debriefing Information:
The survey was a measurement of learning and thinking processes based on dominance of the left hemispheric brain or the right hemispheric brain. People who are dominantly influenced by the left hemisphere of the brain often process information using sequences, logic, structure, verbal expressions, and symbols. In contrast, people who are dominantly influenced by the right hemisphere of the brain often process information holistically, randomly, intuitively, creatively, and through imagery. Those who equally use both hemispheres of the brain are considered balanced or “whole brain” thinkers.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more information, let me know. Thanks again!!! :D

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